Nov 21, 2020
Aaron and Glenys talk about their personal experiences with sleep apnea. They discussed how weight stigma sadly surrounds this diagnosis, and how they overcame related shame to get appropriate treatment. Also discussed in this episode were:
Oct 21, 2020
Glenys and Aaron welcome Dr. Marc Settembrino to the podcast to talk about his experience with becoming a yogi and creating inclusive yoga classes through Fat Kid Yoga Club.
-how yoga
helped him feel better in difficult times
-how there is no wrong way to do
-the intersection of
LGBTQ+ and fat...
Sep 22, 2020
Aaron and Glenys talk about weight. The global pandemic has put many people in a panic about changing weight. For those recovering from EDs and disordered eating, weight gain is often necessary and a part of healing, but hearing weight gain stigmatized constantly can feel like a huge setback. In this episode, our hosts...
Aug 22, 2020
Aaron and Glenys talk with Caroline Dooner, humorist and author of The F*ck It Diet, a book that helps chronic dieters untangle themselves from a dysfunctional relationship with food. She used to be a chronic dieter, fully convinced she was a food addict, until she realized that dieting and body hatred were actually the...
Jul 16, 2020
Aaron and Glenys invited Nicola Salmon to the podcast to discuss fat positive fertility. In this episode, they discussed:
-Nicola’s experience of having
fertility issues and being in a larger body
-The lack evidence for weight loss
improving fertility
-The mixed research on
weight-related fertility issues and the...